Hip Hop Karaoke

The Commune Snackbar 563 Prince st., Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

If you haven't been to a Hip Hop Karaoke night, you don't know what your missing! Choose from many  Hip Hop, RNB, Reggae songs and more, take the stage and [...]

International Women’s Day Fundraiser

The Commune Snackbar 563 Prince st., Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

Brigid is excited to announce another wonderful event in our International Women’s Day Celebration line-up! Join us on Friday, March 7th at 7pm for an evening of Women in History [...]

Hip Hop Trivia

The Commune Snackbar 563 Prince st., Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

British Invasion

The Commune Snackbar 563 Prince st., Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

The British Invasion was a cultural phenomenon of the mid-1960s, when rock and pop music acts from the United Kingdom and other aspects of British culture became popular in America. [...]

Robbie G Live in Truro

The Commune Snackbar 563 Prince st., Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

Robbie G performs live in Truro at The Commune on April 10th! Tickets on sale now! !